Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dukan Diet Day 1

I have almost come to the end of day one of my Dukan Diet adventure and I must say it went very well. The best part was that I passed up a piece of mouth watering cake at a party at work today. It has been forever since I passed up a piece of cake! So I would have to say that day one was a success.

As always my day started out when the alarm went off at 3:15 am. Got ready for work and didn't know if I would make it without my morning coffee with french vanilla creamer, instead I opted for a cup of tea instead with a little Splenda. After much planning I was gonna have 2 hard boiled eggs and an oat bran galette (a pancake made from oat bran, egg white and Greek yogurt) for breakfast at work. Mid morning I had fat free cottage cheese and lunch was a chicken breast without the skin. I wasn't hungry until dinner which was unusual cause I am famished most of the time in the mid afternoon. For dinner I had a chicken breast and a slice of lean pork loin roast. My nighttime snack consisted of some fat free yogurt. Not the most exciting menu, but that's okay. I only need to do the first attack phase which consists of lean proteins only for 4 days. This takes me through Sunday.

The hardest part for me was making sure I drink enough water. I do better with this during the week at work, but have to really work at it on the weekends.

I did my required 20 minutes of walking tonight too, I usually will do at least 30 minutes, but as the book said, I had little energy after this first day. Then again, by Thursday I am beat under normal circumstances after my crazy work schedule.

I have to say I feel very motivated and honestly by passing up that piece of cake today I passed a big hurdle.

Will this be easy? I know I will probably have moments when I have visions of caramel cashew sundaes dancing in my head, and I will have to find a way to deal with it. One day at a time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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