Sunday, January 22, 2012

Saturday Afternoon At The Library

I have a confession. I am a total book geek. Yes, I love books. One of my favorite things to do on a free Friday or Saturday afternoon is going to the library and just roaming the rows of shelves for books to read. The library is not the only place I browse, I can also be found in the book section of Goodwill, or at any used book store. Spending two hours at Barnes and Noble is not out of the question.

The idea of picking up a book and being transported to another time, place, or jumping into someone elses life either real or fictional appeals to me. I can live vicariously through all the characters I read about. It's not just fiction I crave, I also read lots of non-fiction. Diet books, spiritual books, cookbooks, biographies, you name it. Right now I am so into reading about Paris and French culture. I guess I will forever have a soft spot for all things French.

I am a firm believer that reading is good for the mind and the soul. The best thing is that I passed my love of reading down to my daughter. How could she not pick it up when the first thing I did when we brought her home from the hospital was read "Guess How Much I Love You" to her.

Our house always has books lying around. I am getting used to the idea of downloading books onto my IPad and reading them that way. I love that I can go to Amazon and buy a book and instantly start reading or check out an ebook from the library through my Overdrive app. Still there is nothing like having an actual book in your hand. I don't think I can give up having those afternoons when I can browse the book shelves of my favorite library.

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